Difference Between High School & College
The transition from high school to college can be quite a challenging adjustment for many. There are new demands (i.e., course rigor, deadlines, etc.), expectations (i.e., communication, self-advocacy), and changes that occur which now place the student as the primary individual to take the lead. Another major shift in the transition process is how to request accommodations in college. Accommodations do not automatically carry over from high school. Instead, the student must self-identify and formally request accommodations through the MCC Disability Services office. Students may reference the SUNY's "High School to College" website for additional information.
Location & Contacts
Brighton Campus
Building 3, Room 103
Monday thru Friday
8:45am to 4:45pm
Phone: (585) 292-2140
Fax: (866) 308-6118
Downtown Campus
Student Engagement Center
Floor 3, Room 310
Monday thru Friday
8:45am to 4:45pm
(585) 292-2140
Fax: (866) 308-6118